Why people are sheeps

The Common Pseudonym
4 min readApr 13, 2021

An event in 2016 which i believed was a kind of deja vu sparked a curiosity in me to explore the spiritual. i jumped from one school of thought to other with no answers a rational person would have just given up on this pointless venture by seeing how pointless this is (why it is pointless will be covered next) but then the fact that i was not alone and so many others were in this especially women (so simp of me) gave me such hopes and many unconscious fantasies that are so stupid and irrational that i just straight away denied them until now.

DISCLAIMER: i have no intention to hurt or please your sentiments. Take my OPINIONS with a pinch of salt.

Qualities of a sheep

1. Herd mentality: no matter what it is that you are pursuing unless you have at least one like minded person pursuing it or at least gives you company in it. There is no way you can stick to it. Introspect on this very clearly, it applies to all aspects of your life. Education preferences and career preferences are easy to spot but even the more subtle things like brushing your teeth, eating regularly, cleanliness etc. too are dependent on whom you stay with. If you don't believe me just look at a bachealor's house or if you are a college student, make friends and live for at least a semester with a person whom you percieve as disorganized and you will be a different person at the end of the semester.
2. Easy going: Personally, i have not seen a person who is truly a rebel. You have a polar image of yourself which is either good or bad never both. If you are a person who is disorganized and pleasure seeking it is difficult for you to become hard working because of the dread of discipline. if you are a focused person then you are either taught or teach yourself that being disorganized will ruin your life and thus most of the times its the fear of the other which keeps you going. Thus this duality is always fuelled by the mutual aversion of its two parts
3. Having a sheperd: This may be the most subtle. Pick anything that you do or believe and ask yourself why, there is an underlying external belief which leads it. Now most of the people, give cliche examples which they would have plagurised from somewhere else but i will give you a personal and an intimate one. how i rationalise my smoking addiction, 1. information about smokers who smoked and lived a long life without any cancer 2. studies showing that nicotine can help you concentrate 3. Smoking is cool (thank you netflix) 4. i can quit at any time as its all in my mind 5. nicotine is more addictive than cocaine. So whenever i think about quitting, the identity woven through the 5 external information points takes to the fields of denial and feeds my with grass of desire to smoke like a good sheperd

The above three are happening instantaneously at each and every moment of your life and are oversimplified because rationally speaking i am writing for you here so there needs to be some level of appeal. Also, know that if you are feeling about yourself that you don't have free will and that you are influenced by others, trust me everyone is. The Prime Minister is a sheep to the ideas woven by patanjali who wrote the yoga sutras, Islamic terrorists are sheep to the thoughts written in their preached by their leaders, Hindu nationalists are a sheep to sheperds created by their idealogies, the so called liberals are no different and i am no different.

Is it wrong to be a sheep? who put that opinion in you? what is right or wrong in this world? there are just opinions which your beliefs convert into facts. Thats it. The only truth is nihilism people who fear it conceptualized and called it a philosophy to avoid it.

Coming back to the introduction. My pointless spiritual pursuit has led me to organizations like ISKCON (i appreciate their corporate culture, you can definetly learn how to start a business there); Isha foundation which is headed by a hindu nationalist Indian who says that he is not identified with any country or identity, who claims to have powers to cure diseases but invents random ethics which stop him from showing it; Art of living which now i view as hilarious and don’t have the energy to criticise. But my journey has also made me question more traditions which are objectively genuine when compared to 3 i mentioned above like Ram krishna mission, the vipassana tradition of SN Goenka and of course even the world teacher and champion of busting all dogmas Mr J Krishnamurti. Note that i am not from your team of liberals who find it cool criticize religion and spirituality in the name of liberalism and peace, I am not one of those influencers who only see patriarchy in hindu religion which has a decent number of matriarchal traditions but completely give a green pass to the practises of the second most practised religion in India. I am person who supports Ram temple movement at the same time criticizes it. I am a person who sees contradiction in everything and everywhere am sick and tired of us ignoring it.

So what am i trying to get at? Nothing, no matter what i say you will always interpret things based on your beliefs hopes and aspirations, if you are fed up of the spiritual path or not getting much success in your life then you will agree with me or if you are a person invested in something you will be annoyed with me at the best or will want to behead me at the worse ( i have observed all the tendencies that are humanly possible within me xD). The purpose of this article was to give you a rude shock and wake you up. Those who agree with me, a word of caution, do not let my opinions condition you



The Common Pseudonym

An atheist who was minding his own business till now, trying out freedom of expression because it’s apparently a right to be rude and disrespectful